Archive by Author | Erin Heeney

A Wonderful Blessing <3

In 2011 I got to know a girl named Elizabeth! She is absolutely Amazing! She is An amazing friend, is very funny! She is probably one of the best est friends you could ever have! And we’ve gotten to know each other really well, in the past year! I’m really thankful for my Bestie! ๐Ÿ˜€ Andย  A wonderful blessing and existing thing is, I get to see her next month!!!! I’m very Thankful, and existed that the Lord is allowing me to go see her!!! Thank you SOO much Lord!!!!

Some thing to keep in mind..

James 4:14

ESV ( English Standard Version)ย 

Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.

We don’t have a lot of time on earth. This earth is not our home, we’reย  just a passing through.” We need to Live every moment for the Lord. ๐Ÿ™‚

EasterJoy Poem

Easter JoyJesus came to earth,ย ย ย 
To show us how to live,
How to put others first,
How to love and how to give.Then He set about His work,
That God sent Him to do;
He took our punishment on Himself;
He made us clean and new.He could have saved Himself,
Calling angels from above,
But He chose to pay our price for sin;
He paid it out of love.Our Lord died on Good Friday,
But the cross did not destroy
His resurrection on Easter morn
That fills our hearts with joy.Now we know our earthly death,
Like His, is just a rest.
We’ll be forever with Him
In heaven, where life is best.So we live our lives for Jesus,
Think of Him in all we do.
Thank you Savior; Thank you Lord.
Help us love like you!By Joanna Fuchs

A thought…..

Alot of ppl tend to say ( im also some times guilty of this) ” No ones here for me, no one understands me, ive got no one, im alone.” But we tend to forget that There IS some one who is there, day and night, every hour, every minuet of the day, every second, And does understand you/us when no one else does. And His name Is God ๐Ÿ™‚ hes there every step of the way. ๐Ÿ˜€ย