Archive | May 2012

Perfect relationships…

Every one wants the perfect some one, and is searching for that perfect some one. The perfect relation ship. Welll after thinking about it, there is no such thing as a “Perfect relationship.” There’s relationships that go well, but some point or another you will disagree, or there will be a bump in the road. Thing is, if you just be who you are supposed to be, do what the Lord wants you to, He will bring that person into your life. You don’t need to be searching. God’s in control no matter what.

Mothers day!<3

Today is mothers day!! And i am very thankful for my mom! She’s the best of the best! She’s a great example in many ways, Is there when ever i need her,Kind,Generous, Beautiful inside, and out. Amazing! fun! a beautiful singer, and my mom! ❤ God could have given me a different mom, but he gave me My Mom! And i love her lots lots lots! No one will ever be  exactly like my mom. And i thank the Lord for letting her be my mom. ❤ I love you mommy!!!!!

“Your heart can be deceived.”

Your heart can be deceive you. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. (Jer. 17:9)

So don’t be swept off your feet by a smooth talking friend. 🙂

Keep your heart in tune with God. “Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts as your God and guide, and your deceitful heart will not constantly lead you into heartache and disappointment.”     


  • Why is it not possible to always trust your heart?


Essay : My Bestie ~

                        ~My Bestie! ~

I Have a bestie, her name is Elizabeth Joy Bitz! I call her Bestie, and sometimes Bunny! We met in June, 2011.We haven’t met each other in person, because we met on Facebook. She is 17 years old, and lives in Wisconsin. Even though we have only known each other for about a year, it feels like we’ve known each other for years and years!!She loves the Lord with all her heart, and has been a great encouragement to me! She is amazing, fun, pretty, silly, encouraging, dependable, awesome, and is an amazing blessing in my life!!! Even when were both having a hard day, she can make me smile. My bestie is always there for me. In good or bad days, when I’m sick or feeling well. I am very thankful for my bestie! Even though she is far away, we still have lots of fun, and laugh! God

has given me the best bestie ever!!!


  Let God direct your life because he will do a better job of directing it then you could. And he’s the best director you could ever have.


The Bible formula of Wisdom.


  • Fear the Lord

  • Be teachable

  • Pray for wisdom

  • Study the Scriptures

  • Receive instruction

  • Seek counsel ( It is best to choose counsel, from some one who is older then  you.)

  • Accept Rebuke

  • Go soul winning

  • Choose wise companions (Choose good friends)